Grade Designation Trade Name Colour / Characteristics Count /454 gms size description Max Moisture% Broken Max% NLSG NLG max%
SB Scorched Butts Kernels broken crosswise (evenly or unevenly) and naturally attached. Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over heating while roasting or drying in the drier/borma N.A. 5 5 7.5 (DB)
SS Scorched Splits Kernels split naturally lengthwise. Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while Roasting or drying in drier/borma N.A 5 5 7.5(DS)
SP Scorched Pieces Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while roasting or drying in drier/borma Pieces passing through a mesh 16 SWG sieve/4.75 mm I.S. Sieve 5 Nil 7.5 (SSP & SPS together)
SSP Scorched Small Pieces Kernels may be scorched/slightly darkened due to over-heating while roasting or drying in drier/borma Pieces smaller than SP but not passing through a 6mesh 20 SWG Sieve/2.80 mm I.S. Sieve 5 Nil 5 (DSP)
Remarks: Kernels shall be completely free from infestation, insect damage, mould rancidity, adhering testa and objectionable extraneous matter. Scraped and partially shrivelled kernels also permitted provided such scraping/shrivelling does not affect the characteristic shape of the kernel.

Our Services


Value Nutri is working towards the slogan “Natural and Healthy”. To achieve it, we are committed to providing.


Good Supply Chain Management & Technologies in Use


To ensure the quality of products.


Good After-sale Services


To provide storing – cooking recipes and online support for customers in order to fully consume the nutrition values of cashew.


On-time & Prompt Delivery


To keep the freshness and full nutrition values of Cashews.