Grade Designation Trade Name Colour / Characteristics Count /454 gms size description Max Moisture% Broken Max% NLSG NLG max%
SPS Scorched Pieces Seconds Kernels may be over-scorched immature, shrivelled (Pirival) speckled(Karaniram) discoloured and light blue Kernels broken into pieces but not passing through a 4 mesh 16 SWG sieve/4.75 mm I.S. Sieve 5 Nil 7.5 (DP & DSP together)
DP Dessert Pieces Kernels may be deep scorched, deep Brown, blue, speckled, discoloured and black spotted Kernels broken into pieces but not passing through a 4 mesh 16 SWG sieve/4.75 mm and I.S.Sieve 5 Nil 7.5(DSP)
Remarks: Kernels shall be completely free from infestation, insect damage, mould rancidity, adhering testa and objectionable extraneous matter.
NLSG denotes: Next Lower Size Grade. NLG denotes: Next Lower Grade

Our Services


Value Nutri is working towards the slogan “Natural and Healthy”. To achieve it, we are committed to providing.


Good Supply Chain Management & Technologies in Use


To ensure the quality of products.


Good After-sale Services


To provide storing – cooking recipes and online support for customers in order to fully consume the nutrition values of cashew.


On-time & Prompt Delivery


To keep the freshness and full nutrition values of Cashews.